Here at Howies Athletic Tape, we take the phrase "Work Hard, Play Hard" very seriously. When we're not busy taking care of our customers, we're busy having a good time and building our workplace camaraderie. It's only right that we're a part of a competitive hockey league and a summer softball team that led the league in home runs for the three years. If the weather is nice, we'll grill some burgers and hot dogs and if the weather is too nice (to be working), we'll take our talents to the driving range or to the basketball court to make the most of a sunny day. Conversely, the wintertime consists of many trips to indoor virtual golf simulators, Red Wings games, and college football games. We're an office that consists of past and current athletes that love playing and talking sports - that's why we love the industry that we work in. We're surrounded by people that share that same interest. All in all, we're always up for a good conversation and a good time - both in and out of the office.

We've got a unique work culture here at Howies Athletic Tape. We hold our quarterly meetings at a local diner over a team breakfast and we'll frequently work on our short game by putting balls along the carpet from cubicle to cubicle. Fortunately for us, we get the wonderful opportunity to translate a lot of that culture into the work that we do. We work with so many people each and every day and we relate to each one on at least one level - sports. We'll talk sports all day. Even if you're just looking to exchange a t-shirt for a different size, we want to know how your team is doing or who your favorite professional player is. Sometimes, we'll get a little bit too caught up in our conversations, but at the end of the day, we love every second of it. You, the athletic trainer, allow us to do the job that we love, and we thrive in an atmosphere where athletics is at the core. So it makes sense. It makes sense that we have fun. It makes sense that we love a good time. Because we love what we do.